In the fast-paced world of logistics, the term ‘fulfillment’ encapsulates the art and science of meeting customer demands effectively and efficiently. It’s a complex ballet of processes that takes place within the bustling walls of a warehouse. For businesses aiming to grow and thrive, mastering this art form is not just beneficial; it’s essential.

But why is efficient fulfillment so critical for business expansion? Simply put, the quicker and more accurately a business can move products from the warehouse to the customer’s doorstep, the happier the customer is. This satisfaction leads to repeat business, word-of-mouth recommendations, and a solid foundation for growth. Yet, small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) often grapple with fulfillment challenges such as limited space, skyrocketing overhead costs, and inefficient inventory management.

The Basics of Warehouse Efficiency

The Basics of Warehouse Efficiency

When we speak of warehouse efficiency, we’re referring to the strategic orchestration of a warehouse’s operations to maximize productivity and minimize waste. It’s a crucial cog in the machinery of customer satisfaction and impacts the financial health of any business. Efficient warehousing revolves around three pillars:

By focusing on these key factors, businesses can achieve a level of warehouse efficiency that not only supports their current operations but scales with their growth aspirations.

The Rise of Shared Small Warehouse Spaces for Modern Business Needs

The Rise of Shared Small Warehouse Spaces for Modern Business Needs

Enter the innovative concept of shared small warehouse spaces — a game-changer for SMBs. These communal hubs offer:

By sharing warehouse space, SMBs find that they can enjoy the facilities and systems usually reserved for larger corporations. From e-commerce startups to growing retailers, many have found success in this modern warehousing model.

Overcoming Fulfillment Challenges with Warehouse Efficiency

Shared small warehouse spaces are more than just a place to store products; they are a dynamic solution to fulfillment challenges with warehouse efficiency at their core. SMBs can leverage these spaces to improve inventory management through shared technology and systems. Moreover, they can streamline operations by adopting efficient workflows modeled by the shared space provider. This approach not only optimizes the fulfillment process but also fosters a collaborative environment where businesses can pool resources and knowledge.

The Power of Shared Warehouse Efficiency and Its Key Takeaways

The demand for shared small warehouse spaces is on the rise among SMBs, driven by the need for cost-effective, flexible, and collaborative warehousing solutions. To summarize, these shared environments offer:

For SMBs aiming to overcome challenges with warehouse efficiency, shared spaces are not just a temporary fix but a strategic move toward sustainable growth.

Embracing Shared Warehouse Efficiency for Business Growth

Embracing Shared Warehouse Efficiency for Business Growth

Addressing fulfillment challenges through warehouse efficiency is not just a logistical concern but a strategic imperative for SMBs looking to expand and excel in today’s market. The emergence of shared small warehouse spaces has revolutionized the way smaller players can compete, offering a pathway to optimized inventory management, streamlined workflows, and the kind of scalability previously reserved for their larger counterparts. These communal warehousing solutions are a testament to the innovative approaches that are now accessible, fostering a collaborative and cost-effective environment for businesses.

By adopting shared warehouse spaces, SMBs can focus on their core business goals, secure in the knowledge that their fulfillment processes are as efficient as they are effective. Whether you are just starting or looking to refine your existing operations, the time to consider shared warehouse efficiency is now. It is a powerful step towards not just meeting customer expectations but exceeding them, thereby driving business growth and ensuring long-term success.

For those interested in experiencing the efficiency of shared warehousing, WareSpace offers tours of its facilities across the United States to showcase how these solutions can work for your business.

Blog Info: Author – Michael Thompson Category – Shipping and Packaging Insights

Navigating through the myriad of options in the commercial storage facility sector can be daunting, especially for those newly venturing into business. Commercial storage facilities offer more than just a space – they’re a haven where businesses grow, store crucial products, and sometimes, even strategize their next big move. Especially for new businesses, an optimized storage solution not only provides a secure spot for your products but also significantly influences operational efficiency.

Understanding the indispensable role of commercial storage in shaping a smooth operational flow, let’s delve into the comprehensive guide to navigate through, ensuring your goods are not just stored, but secured, and your business finds a space to subtly craft its forthcoming journey.

What is Commercial Storage?

Exploring commercial storage involves peeling layers behind its basic function of ‘storing’. It’s an eco-system, tailored to securely house your products while providing an operational base, potentially being a pivotal point in streamlining your business operations.

Defining Commercial Storage

Essentially, commercial storage facilities like WareSpace go beyond being mere storage units by offering spaces that businesses can utilize for operations, along with storage. They embody the practicality and efficiency that modern businesses need to thrive in a competitive marketplace.

Common uses and Benefits

From holding your inventory, facilitating distributions, to being a hub where operations synthesize with strategy, the uses are manifold. Not to mention the benefits such as cost-effectiveness, enhanced security, and providing a professional space where your business can silently build its empire.

Commercial Storage unveils itself as not merely a repository but a multifaceted environment, interweaving storage with operational fluidity. Especially for bustling, dynamic businesses navigating through the vibrant market scenarios, facilities like WareSpace become more than just storage units – they morph into strategic bases where operational elements coalesce with tactical planning.

Determining Your Space and Storage Needs

Embarking on your journey with commercial storage necessitates a keen understanding of your specific needs.

In navigating through the maze of Determining Your Space and Storage Needs, a structured approach that intertwines your spatial, type, and duration requirements becomes indispensable. A well-informed choice is more than selecting a box to fill with goods; it’s about strategically aligning your storage solutions with your business’s pulse.

The Essentials of a Top-notch Facility

Navigating through the fundamental needs of a business seeking storage solutions, the skeletal framework of any storage facility, especially ones as foundational as WareSpace, plays a pivotal role in dictating operational and storage efficacy.

Industrial Racking and its Significance

Not merely a place to stack your goods, the industrial racking system in a facility like WareSpace ensures optimized space utilization, facilitating easy access and management o

f inventory. Well-designed, robust racking systems not only safeguard your products against potential damage but also aid in efficiently organizing them, enabling swift, error-free retrieval and storage processes. The synergy of vertical space usage and systematic arrangement essentially accelerates the operational speed and accuracy, especially vital during high-demand periods.

Imperative Warehouse Equipment

The vitality of specific warehouse equipment cannot be overstated. Devices such as pallet jacks, forklifts, and perhaps, even advanced automated retrieval systems, ensure that handling your goods, irrespective of their weight and volume, doesn’t hamper the operational flow. WareSpace ensures such machinery is not just available but maintained to perfection, ensuring the wheels of your operations turn without a hitch, safeguarding against unforeseen delays or product damage during handling.

The physical attributes – industrial racking and warehouse equipment, stitch the fabric of a facility that’s not just a storage unit but a co-contributor to your operational success. Ensuring your goods are not only stored but are accessible, safe, and managed with precision, constructs a background where your business can flourish without being encumbered by logistical nightmares, crafting a realm where every square foot is a contributor to your success.

The Features That Make a Difference

In a realm where every storage facility offers a haven for your goods, certain features escalate a facility from being a mere storage space to an operational fortress.

All-Inclusive Facilities

A feature-rich environment like the one provided by WareSpace goes beyond conventional storage solutions. Electrical facilities that ensure consistent power, safeguarding against outages and thereby, preventing operational disruptions, alongside climate-controlled spaces, cater to the nuanced needs of products that demand specific storage conditions. The emphasis here isn’t merely on storage, but the preservation of product integrity, ensuring quality is unhampered from storage to delivery.


More than merely places to confer or relax, additional spaces like conference rooms, kitchens, and lounges in a commercial storage facility like WareSpace embody a philosophy. They’re environments crafted to foster collaboration, innovation, and even a much-needed respite, ensuring that the facility is not just a place for goods, but for the people behind them. These spaces, thereby, add a human touch, offering a holistic environment that subtly contributes to the creative and strategic outputs.

With an expansive suite of features, commercial storage facilities transform into entities that offer more than just space. By integrating all-encompassing facilities and injecting value through additional, thoughtful spaces, facilities like WareSpace elevate from being mere storage providers to entities that actively participate in your business’s journey.

Unlocking Seamless Operations with Secure WiFi and Office Space

In a world burgeoning with digital transactions and operations, the connectivity and designated spaces within a commercial storage facility metamorphose into pivotal cogs in the seamless functioning of businesses.

Secure WiFi

In the whirlwind of digital operations, a stable, secure WiFi isn’t a luxury but a cornerstone of uninterrupted business operations. WareSpace underpins its facilities with robust WiFi networks, ensuring that not only your operations proceed unhindered but also safeguarding your data against potential threats. In an era where data breaches can make or mar businesses, the need for secure, reliable connectivity takes precedence, providing not just operational continuity but also shielding your vital business data.

Office Space

Envision a space where your strategies concoct and your operations unfurl – this is what dedicated office spaces in WareSpace facilities encapsulate. More than a workspace, it’s where storage meets strategy, offering a seamless transition from planning to execution without geographical constraints, thereby optimizing time and resource utilization. The ability to strategize, execute, and store within a singular facility underlines an operational efficiency that translates into tangible business advantages.

Amalgamating connectivity with physical spaces, the provision of secure WiFi and dedicated office spaces transcends the conventional boundaries of storage facilities. WareSpace, thereby, embeds itself not just as a storage provider but a multifaceted operational partner, ensuring that from the digital threads of your business to the physical goods, every aspect finds a secure, seamless, and efficient environment to thrive in.

What to Look For in a Commercial Storage Facility

Selecting a commercial storage facility goes beyond merely finding a space for your goods; it’s about identifying a partner that aligns with your operational, logistical, and strategic needs.

Location and Accessibility

A strategic location doesn’t merely facilitate easy access but becomes a linchpin in streamlining logistics. WareSpace prioritizes establishing facilities that not only offer easy accessibility for you but also optimize logistics, ensuring your goods move from storage to destination with minimized transit time and costs, thereby proactively contributing to your logistical efficiency.

Security and Support

The importance of security extends beyond the physical safeguarding of your goods to provide peace of mind, ensuring your assets are protected round the clock. Coupled with a dedicated customer service and onsite support team, WareSpace ensures any hiccup, query, or challenge you might encounter is addressed promptly, ensuring your operations within the facility remain unhindered and your goods secure.

As your eyes scroll through potential facilities, identifying one that intertwines location, accessibility, security, and support into a coherent offering becomes paramount. WareSpace, through its strategic locations and unwavering focus on security and customer support, presents itself not merely as a facility but a holistic partner, anchoring itself in providing not just space but an environment wherein every aspect, from logistics to support, is meticulously crafted to elevate your storage and operational experience. Discover the Future of Business Storage – Book Your Tour at a WareSpace Location Near You Today!

Preparing to Move Into a Commercial Storage Facility

A strategic transition to a commercial storage facility like WareSpace is a monumental step in advancing your business operations, necessitating a blend of thorough preparation and smart spatial utilization.

Efficient Paperwork and Moving

The migration into new operational quarters involves navigating through essential documentation and executing a well-coordinated moving plan. The journey spans ensuring regulatory compliance, crafting a meticulous inventory list, and developing a strategic moving plan which encapsulates timely logistics and safeguarding operational flow. This doesn’t just anchor the move in organizational prowess but lays the foundation for a harmonious operational setup at the new locale.

Strategic Space Utilization

Optimal use of your WareSpace isn’t just about storing; it’s about creating a symbiotic environment where storage and operations coalesce into a singular, efficient entity. This involves not merely placing inventory but orchestrating a layout that facilitates easy retrieval, seamless day-to-day operations, and effective team functionality within the space. Foresight regarding future scaling, inventory flux, and operational tweaks ensures the space remains a pillar of support as your business evolves.

Transitioning to a new commercial storage facility signifies more than a change of address; it’s an operational metamorphosis that, when executed with precision, acts as a catalyst for enhanced business efficiency and growth. WareSpace is not just a space but a partner, ensuring this crucial step in your business journey is not merely a move but a strategic advance towards a future of amplified operational success.

Why WareSpace Stands Out

WareSpace isn’t merely a storage unit; it’s a partner embedded in your operational journey, offering amenities, robust support, all-inclusive pricing, and a platform where your business can seamlessly operate and potentially scale. The plethora of positive customer reviews and testimonials not only vouch for our premium services but underscore our commitment to being an integral part of your business journey. Your goods, operations, and strategy deserve a secure, professional, and supportive environment to thrive, and that’s precisely what WareSpace delivers.

Ready to elevate your business operations with a storage partner that does more than just store? WareSpace is committed to being an invaluable asset on your journey toward seamless operations and business growth. Explore our facilities, dive deeper into our customer-centric approach, and let’s build your operational future together. Contact us to schedule a tour or learn more about how WareSpace can become a cornerstone in your business’s pathway to success.

Blog Info: Author – Michael Thompson Category – Commercial Storage Insights

Unlocking the secrets of how to improve warehouse employee productivity starts by peeking behind those large sliding doors! The environment inside a warehouse, shaped significantly by its amenities, holds a powerful sway over the work atmosphere and output. After all, Warehouse Amenities are not mere features; they’re pivotal elements that shape our workdays, ensuring they’re not just productive but also enjoyable. Let’s embark on an exploration to understand the compelling connection between a well-equipped warehouse and a super-charged, productive team.

Essential Warehouse Amenities Explained

Diving deep into the ecosystem of a warehouse, an array of amenities stands out, each playing a vital role in streamlining operations and significantly influencing employee productivity. Let’s explore these, understanding not just their function but their impact on the day-to-day activities and the overall work environment.

Foundational Amenities

Embarking on a journey through the core of warehouse functionality, we uncover the foundational amenities – those that fuel every activity, safeguard the environment, and provide a steady, unbroken rhythm to operations. Imagine entering a space where every technical need is effortlessly met, where the environment adapts to offer optimal comfort, and a sense of secure stability blankets the entire area. These foundational amenities don’t just support operations; they elevate them, weaving an invisible yet impactful layer of continuous, reliable support through every task, interaction, and day-to-day undertaking.

Anchoring the very essence of operational steadiness, these foundational amenities forge an environment where distractions are minimized, comfort and safety are prioritized, and every technical need is preemptively addressed. The subtle, often unseen impacts of such amenities echo through the enhanced productivity and morale of employees, who find their work unhindered by logistical concerns or environmental discomforts. A warehouse adorned with such attentive, foundational amenities, therefore, is not just a space but a meticulously crafted environment where businesses can thrive, uninhibited, and unburdened.

Operational and Maintenance Amenities

The well-orchestrated dance of warehouse activities hinges significantly on often-overlooked amenities and roles, each ensuring that day-to-day operations remain unhindered and smoothly executed.

Seemingly behind-the-scenes, the operational and maintenance amenities act as the subtle backbone of warehouse functionality, preventing disruptions and fostering an environment where workflows and employee productivity can seamlessly intertwine and flourish.

Cultivating a Productive Environment

Crafting spaces that seamlessly blend diligent work with necessary rest is vital to nurturing a work environment that not only boosts employee productivity but also wellbeing.

Balancing diligent work with necessary rest is pivotal in ensuring a wholesome and productive warehouse environment, facilitating not only task completion but also collaborative innovations and employee wellbeing.

Efficient Handling and Storage Solutions

Effective handling and smart storage aren’t merely about keeping things organized; they’re about engineering a workspace that intuitively enhances the flow of operations, optimizing both time and effort.

By intertwining smart storage solutions with efficient handling amenities, warehouses create an empowered environment where operational workflows are streamlined and productivity is enhanced, all while ensuring scalability for future growth.

All-Inclusive Pricing

This pricing strategy ensures predictability and ease of budget management, allowing businesses to focus on their operations without being bogged down by complex, variable expense management.

Intricately intertwined, these amenities form the heartbeat of a well-oiled warehouse, where each feature, service, and space is purposefully integrated to bolster the productivity and morale of employees. By establishing an environment that equally prioritizes operational efficacy, employee comfort, and efficient management of goods, warehouses become more than mere storage spaces – they emerge as hubs of optimized productivity.

Connection Between Amenities and Small Warehouses

Although compact in size, small warehouses offer a unique environment that, when supplemented with carefully selected amenities, can drastically enhance work output and operational efficiency. Essential amenities such as scalable storage solutions, ergonomic equipment, and well-designed workspaces can transform even the most modest spaces into powerhouse operational hubs. In small warehouses, efficient utilization of space, cleverly designed to accommodate all vital functionalities, propels a smooth and productive workflow, ensuring that space constraints don’t equate to limited productivity.

Spotlight on Small Shared Warehouses

Small shared warehouses, like those pioneered by WareSpace, become vital incubators for small businesses and startups, offering them precisely tailored solutions without substantial financial outlay. This model prioritizes accessibility and functionality, providing features such as shared equipment, collaborative spaces, and often, a community of like-minded entrepreneurs.

Small businesses can leverage these features to minimize initial costs, enjoy a facilitated operational onset, and engage in a network that could potentially foster collaborative opportunities, all while enjoying the benefits of a fully equipped warehouse without the hefty price tag.

Why All-Inclusive Pricing Matters

All-inclusive pricing unfolds a realm of simplicity and predictability in managing operational costs, which is invaluable to the fiscal health of a business. Here’s why it stands out:

Through such an approach, companies ensure that their attention, as well as financial planning, remains undistracted and strictly adhered to the strategic advancement of their business, without being hampered by varied, fluctuating expenses.

How to Select a Warehouse with Productivity in Mind

The meticulous selection of a warehouse goes beyond mere space availability – it’s an investment in an environment that will either enhance or inhibit daily operations. Factoring in amenities that will directly boost worker productivity is paramount. This involves considering aspects like ergonomic design, optimal lighting, temperature control, and strategic layout planning, ensuring not just a smooth operational flow but also a conducive working environment. From initial inspection, it’s crucial to visualize how each feature of a space can be leveraged or might pose challenges in the day-to-day workings of a business.

Explore a small shared warehouse near you! Check out WareSpace’s numerous locations across the US or book a tour today to discover the perfect space for your business!

A Thoughtful Solution for Small Warehouse Needs

The correlation between thoughtful amenity integration and workspace productivity is undeniable. Warehouses, irrespective of size, when optimized with features that streamline operations and enhance worker experience, become more than mere storage spaces – they evolve into dynamic, efficient operational hubs. In such meticulously crafted spaces, businesses, especially smaller entities, find the agility and support they need to navigate their growth journey, ensuring that the workspace becomes a strategic partner in their ongoing development and success. The melding of practicality, thoughtful design, and strategic feature integration thus stands as a pillar in constructing a workspace that is truly synergistic with the operational needs of a business.

For small and medium-sized businesses navigating the challenges of finding apt warehouse solutions, WareSpace emerges as a partner, considering every detailed need and presenting clear, all-encompassing pricing. By offering a plethora of essential amenities bundled into a straightforward pricing model, it negates the concerns of hidden costs and unforeseen operational hiccups.

WareSpace is not merely a space provider; it’s a solution architect, crafting environments where businesses can confidently embed their operations, assured that the space is designed to accommodate their growth, facilitate their processes, and stand as a stable platform upon which they can build their enterprise’s future. Book a tour to see your future shared small warehouse space today!

Blog Info: Author – Michael Thompson Category – Warehouse Features and Amenities

Does your space include everything on our warehouse equipment list? For employees in your warehouse to operate safely and efficiently, they need to have the right tools at their disposal. This warehouse equipment list specifically outlines everything your facility needs to reduce wasted time and get orders out as quickly as possible.

Warehouse Tools and Equipment List

Any warehouse tools and equipment list should include solutions for storing, conveying, lifting, organizing, packaging, and shipping products. Plus, you’ll want to include any safety and maintenance tools. 

1. Storage Equipment

Storage equipment makes efficient use of warehouse space. Pallet racks, shelves, totes, bulk boxes, and bins facilitate the neat organization of products. In a warehouse that effectively uses these storage systems, workers can easily speed up their picking rates.

Pallet racks have various designs based on how workers stock and remove products from them. For first-in, first-out (FIFO) storage, goods arriving at the warehouse the earliest are the first to leave. Racks useful for FIFO storage include:

In facilities that use last-in, first-out (LIFO) storage, goods that arrive most recently leave sooner than products that came earlier. Warehouses that need more dense storage of non-perishable goods use LIFO. Rack designs for LIFO include:

To enhance the effectiveness of storage equipment, use barcode labels that correspond to the products on the shelves or in the bins. Workers scan these barcodes to verify that they pulled the correct product, and to update the warehouse management system (WMS) information on inventory counts.

2. Conveying Devices  

Conveying devices move products from one part of the warehouse to another without needing a person to carry them. Differences among these types of equipment depend on the direction that the equipment moves in. Options include:

Powered conveyors should have emergency stop cables along their lengths to stop the belt at any time. Employee work areas also need emergency stop buttons for automatic conveyors, per OSHA requirements.

3. Lifting Equipment   

Lifting equipment reduces worker strain due to picking up heavy products or containers. Lifting devices safely move heavy products or pallets filled with goods. Examples include:

Workers should have clear instructions on safely using lifting equipment. For forklifts, users must have training and certification in their use, according to OSHA.

4. Organizational Tools

Organizational tools include everything needed to track the inventory in a warehouse and order products as needed. Examples include:

These organizational tools ensure inventory counts stay updated and accurate.

5. Packaging and Shipping Equipment  

Your warehouse should have a dedicated area for packaging and shipping products. Equipment in this area allows workers to prepare all orders for shipment without leaving the area, if possible. Examples of essential packaging and shipping equipment include:

With a well-stocked packaging and shipping area, workers don’t need to leave the space to get the equipment they need.

6. Safety Gear

Safety gear is vital for protecting workers and preventing accidents. The specific types of safety equipment in a small warehouse depend on the layout of the facility, other equipment installed, and the types of products stored. Some common types of safety equipment include:

Always refer to OSHA requirements when creating a list of safety gear your warehouse needs.

7. Maintenance Tools

Maintenance tools reduce the operational problems of other warehouse equipment. Cleaning equipment also maintains the warehouse itself. Examples of maintenance tools include:

The Importance of Investing in Warehouse Equipment

The right warehouse equipment improves productivity and the use of space within the warehouse, and improves worker safety.


Bins, racks, and other storage equipment improves the organization of the products to make it easier for workers to fulfill orders. Industrial racking maximizes the number of goods stored within the warehouse space by increasing vertical storage space. Conveyor equipment automates movement from one side of the warehouse to another, cutting down on the time needed to deliver products to the packaging and shipping area. Lift trucks or pallet jacks safely move the pallets vertically to reduce the time needed for storage.

Cutting even a few seconds from each warehouse task adds up to a significant amount of time saved for each order. For small businesses that need to grow, faster order processing could create the necessary edge over the competition.


Your warehouse must have safety equipment to meet requirements from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Having the proper gear can prevent injuries or even death. In 2021, the warehousing sector had 46 total deaths and 5.5 injuries per 100 workers.

Hard hats, steel-toed boots, guardrails, barriers, and first aid kits help workers to do their jobs with less danger. Installing safety equipment reduces warehouse hazards and makes the facility safer. A safer warehouse that has fewer accidents reduces the time lost due to worker injuries.

Employee Retention

In 2022, the warehousing industry faced serious shortages of workers. A survey showed that 44% of warehouse managers could not find enough qualified workers to fill their open positions. Turnover was almost equally high, with an industry rate of 43%. A lack of workers, not having enough trained employees, needing to train workers, and high turnover rates cut productivity in warehouses by up to 50%. By improving conditions and updating equipment, warehouses can keep trained employees longer and avoid these productivity drops.

Warehouse work puts heavy demands on the human body, and the best warehouse equipment lessens the strain that workers experience. Investing in warehouse equipment that improves productivity helps workers do more in less time, and helps companies avoid the hidden costs of employee turnover.

Are You Missing Any Tools From Our Warehouse Equipment List?

Although not company specific, the equipment list above outlines what your warehouse should have to ensure productive and safe operations. If you’re looking at WareSpace to fill your warehouse needs, you’ll find professional-grade storage racking, pallet jacks, conference rooms, wi-fi, electricity, and many more amenities all included in our rates. With our variety of warehouse sizes, we’re sure you’ll find the perfect space for your small business.

Are you looking for ways to optimize your small warehouse rental space? Look no further than warehouse pallet racks. At WareSpace, we understand the importance of maximizing your warehouse rental space, which is why all of our warehouse rental options come with industrial-grade pallet racking as an amenity.

Why Use Pallet Racks in Your Small Warehouse Rental Space?

Pallet racking is a low-cost solution to quickly increase the effectiveness and efficiency of your small warehouse rental space. Here’s how pallet racks can improve your small warehouse rental space:

Increase Warehouse Space

Don’t limit yourself to two-dimensional thinking when it comes to your warehouse rental space. Utilize the vertical overhead space by using pallet racks to store entire pallets of goods on multiple levels. This allows for higher inventory volume stored within your current space, which is a great way to scale without having to move into a larger warehouse space before your business is ready.

Improve Warehouse Storage Organization

If you have upgraded your business from your home to a small warehouse space, your organization methods will also need improvements.

Pallet racks are also great for keeping your inventory organized. Instead of putting products in piles on the floor, use pallet racks to efficiently store and track each pallet. This can help you create a map for faster order-picking and maximize efficiency when coupled with a warehouse management system (WMS).

How Can You Use Pallet Racks in Your Small Warehouse Rental Space

To make the most out of your small warehouse rental space, consider the following tips for using pallet racks:

Plan Your Small Warehouse Layout

When planning your warehouse layout, be mindful of the space you have and the amount of inventory you want to store. Make sure to keep aisle spacing and flow areas in mind to ensure that you or your shipping team can move safely and efficiently throughout the space.

Balance Aisle Spacing

Consider the width of your aisles when spacing out your pallet racks. Wider aisles allow for safe equipment use, while narrower aisles provide more space. Strike a balance to find the best aisle spacing for your business.

Segment Your Space into High and Low Flow Areas

Segmenting your space based on product volume is another organization tactic. Group high-demand products together in high-flow areas, and low-demand products in low-flow areas. High-flow areas should contain high-volume goods that stay in your warehouse for the shortest amount of time, while low-flow areas are great for storing specialty goods or seasonal products.

High-flow areas

High-flow areas should contain high-volume goods that stay in your warehouse for the shortest amount of time. Place these products into the middle rack of a three-tier system. The ideal storage location for high-flow products are locations that do not require workers to reach overhead or bend at the waist.

You can also turn low racks into high-flow zones by inserting empty pallets on the base of the rack and the products on these pallets. The empty pallets raise the inventory to waist height, placing it into the ideal picking space. Alternatively, use a palletizer under the load. These tools sink to the ground when fully loaded. As you pull products from the pallets, the palletizer raises the load to keep the items at waist level.

These ergonomic storage arrangements minimize strain because workers can pull products faster by using fewer motions.

Low-flow areas

Designated low-flow areas are great places to store specialty goods or seasonal products that don’t sell quickly throughout the year. You can keep them in low-flow areas until needed. Once you enter a period where the items are in high demand, move them over to your high-flow area.

The locations for high and low flow zones also matter. Place high-flow areas closer to the shipping portion of your warehouse. This minimizes the distance required for workers to fulfill the majority of orders. Place low-flow areas farther from the shipping preparation area to increase your small warehouse space’s storage capacity.

Upgrade Your Small Business’s Efficiency with Storage Bins and Pallet Racks

Make the most out of every inch of your small warehouse rental space by effectively using pallet racking. At WareSpace, we offer a variety of smaller warehouse rental spaces near you, with industrial-grade pallet racking as one of our many amenities. For more information, give us a call at 301-781-6964, or book a tour today.  

To compete for tenants, many warehouse providers offer extra perks. These added features make rentable small warehouse spaces more functional, allow for more effective use of the space, and enable better business operations.

Don’t Get Stuck With Bottom-of-the-Barrel Warehouse Providers

During the first two quarters of 2022, the warehouse industry experienced supply shortages amid rising demand. Rentable small warehouse spaces became scarce as vacancies across the country reached a record low of 3.9%. However, those numbers are on the rise. As more space becomes available from new warehouse construction, businesses will once again have options. 

Features Every Small Warehouse Space Should Have

Finding the best small warehouse space means choosing a place that is feature-rich. Your provider should include on-site amenities, the latest technology, adequate space for growth, and an efficient layout.

On-Site Amenities

Look for small warehouse spaces that offer free amenities — as in they’re already bundled into your rent price. Don’t pay extra for add-on features that come complementary with some warehouses.

The most useful on-site amenities include tools for moving products. Loading docks, industrial racking, and warehouse equipment makes it super easy to receive, move, and store their goods.

Other amenities provide operational support. Most businesses need a place for conducting administrative tasks, so make sure your small warehouse space offers conference rooms, lounges, and kitchens for collaboration and comfort.

Practical amenities support the protection of products stored in the warehouse. On-site security and limited access to individual warehouse units prevent the theft of goods from the facility.

Shared small warehouse spaces should also have management available to address any concerns or questions tenants may have.

Updated Technology

Rentable warehouse spaces that make the latest technology freely accessible are more desirable than antiquated spaces without tech perks. Whatever small warehouse space you choose should, at the bare minimum, include secure wi-fi. Secure internet access allows business owners to track sales and connect with customers across multiple devices.

Most warehouses also have other tech on hand, like network-connected scanners that integrate with Warehouse management systems (WMS) to track inventory in real time. Putting scannable barcodes on products keeps inventory counts updated effortlessly. The WMS can even automatically reorder items when inventory levels drop below a set value.

Room for Growth

Moving from a home-based business to a small warehouse space is the first step to expanding your company. Most rentable warehouse spaces provide options for growth by offering several storage size options — for startups, growing businesses, and more.

Changes in operations may require a business to move up or down in the amount of warehouse space rented. Your provider should offer the flexibility for you to do this with short-term contracts. 

Efficient Interior and Exterior Layout

The interior and exterior layout of the warehouse should supply efficient movement of people and products. Outside, the loading dock area should allow shipping trucks to comfortably reach it. The area around the loading docks should include space for trucks to turn around, back into the docks, and pull out of the area, even when other trucks are present. Proximity to major highways is another desirable feature as it reduces shipping times.

Inside the warehouse, tenants should have easy access to the loading dock area for sending out products or picking up shipments. Warehouse equipment at the dock eases the movement of boxes or pallets from the docking area to the tenants’ storage spaces.

Floor plans inside the warehouse spaces depend on the items stored and the size of the space. Small warehouse spaces with racking should have enough room for people using material handling equipment to move comfortably and safely. The ideal layout of a small warehouse space is one in which the time needed to stock items or to pick products off the shelves is at a minimum.

Improve Your Operations with the Right Small Warehouse Space to Rent

Whether your business needs access to loading docks, industrial-grade racking, conference rooms, or 24/7 security on-site, you’ll find it all at WareSpace. Every one of our small warehouse spaces have all the same amenities, giving small and large businesses the tools that they need to succeed. Is your business ready for full-featured small storage space?

The last thing you want is your order fulfillment to bottleneck at the packing area. For maximum efficiency, it’s essential to have a fully stocked, well-laid-out warehouse packing station to speed up your order fulfillment. 

The Purpose of Your Warehouse Packing Station

Packing stations should not be an afterthought when planning your warehouse space use. Your station should hold a dedicated place in your small warehouse space, and be specifically used  for preparing orders for shipping. Warehouse packing stations:

  1. Give you a place to verify that you have all the correct products in each customer order. Checking orders before packaging the products reduces the chances of time-consuming returns. It will also ensure customer satisfaction.
  2. Keep all the materials needed for preparing orders for shipping in one location. By maintaining this stock, you can quickly package orders properly without wasting time finding boxes, tape, or other materials.
  3. House products in a designated area between the packing and shipping stages. Knowing where every product is at each step of the fulfillment process reduces the chances of lost or delayed orders.

Considerations When Setting Up Your Packing Station

Your small business may not have thousands of orders to process a day, but you still need to think about optimizing your warehouse packing station layout to reduce processing time. Becoming more efficient now will only make it easier to scale up your business operations in the future. To create the perfect packing zone in your small warehouse space, consider the following things:

Pack Station Purpose

Identify the most important purpose your packing station must fulfill and keep it front of mind when choosing tools and materials to optimize that portion of your warehouse. It helps to separate the overall task of packing into smaller jobs, and most packing stations provide order collection, quality control, packaging, and labeling. To allow your workers to do these tasks within the packing station, you must make available all the equipment they will need.

Warehouse Workflow

What is the direction of your warehouse workflow? Do you have storage to the left of your packing area and shipping to the right? In that case, arrange the packing station from left to right. The direction of product movement through the packing station should always go from storage toward shipping.

When preparing an order for shipping, always have the products move in a clear direction through every portion of the packing station. Use signs with arrows that outline the workflow steps and directions at each stage. When every order goes through the same workflow from picking to packing to shipping, you will reduce the chances of lost or damaged orders.

Material Priority 

The best layout for a small warehouse space is to put the most frequently moved goods closer to the packing area. This same principle applies to the materials used by those preparing orders for shipping. Place the most used tapes, scanners, filler, and boxes closest to the packing station so workers can speed orders through to shipping.

Ergonomic Design

When making your small warehouse space more ergonomically friendly, don’t neglect the packing station. Proper arrangement of goods and materials will reduce the chances of work-related muscle strain, and better ergonomics also improves worker morale and productivity.

To create an ergonomic packing station, minimize any bending or reaching workers must do when completing their jobs. Also, have available lifting equipment readily available to help them move heavy boxes without straining themselves.

Packing Station Tools and Materials

To effectively package your products, you will need to stock both machinery and materials in the packing station. Machinery helps to track the orders through the order fulfillment process. Packing materials ensure that customers have their orders protected from damage during shipping.


The type of machinery your warehouse pack station needs may include printers for creating stick-on address labels, or scanners to update the warehouse management system (WMS) on the progress of the order. 

Packing Materials

The specific packing materials you need depend on the types of products you sell. If your small business deals in delicate items, you will need ample filling material and sturdy boxes to protect the goods during shipping. Shipping small items may only require padded mailing envelopes instead of boxes. Make sure your packing station layout accounts for storing these materials.

Key Components of an Effective Warehouse Pack Station

An effective warehouse pack station separates the packing process into individual steps. These steps each have their own area within the packing station to allow multiple people to contribute to packing orders during the busiest times. Common areas include:

When creating your packing station layout, make sure there is ample space for each step to be completed.

Staging and Quality Control

In staging, products arrive from the warehouse storage area and are compared against the customers’ orders. This part of the packing station helps minimize order problems due to damaged goods from the warehouse, or incorrect product fulfillment

Packing Bench and Labeling Area

Packing and labeling can occur on the same bench. Workers at this bench may need more time to complete their tasks than those in other parts of the packing area. Each product may require wrapping and/or boxing. Flat or small goods may only need placement into envelopes for shipping. Workers should also check that the label applied to the order matches the customer’s shipping information.

Waste and Recycling Area

Have a designated spot where you discard waste or recycling created from packing. Do not allow leftover boxes or other waste to accumulate in the packing area. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has requirements for housekeeping throughout your warehouse, including packing areas.

Under 1910.176(c), you must keep your entire small warehouse space free of anything that could create a fire, pest, explosion, or tripping hazard. Paper, boxes, and waste from packing could all cause tripping. Keep separate waste and recycling bins next to the packing station for easier disposal of leftover items.

Bin or Conveyor to Shipping

Getting the finished products from packing to shipping in your warehouse may not look the same as the system used in another facility. Conveyor belts are ideal for sending large volumes of completed orders to shipping. Alternatively, you can place all packed orders into a bin or cart and manually move them to the shipping area on a recurring basis. Having a designated location for all completed packages will reduce the chances of orders getting lost or misplaced.

Make Your Small Warehouse Space Do More with an Effective Packing Station

Make your small warehouse space as efficient as possible by updating your packing station. With faster picking, packing, and shipping your business can fulfill more orders. 

In the market for a new warehouse? Check out the numerous amenities we offer at WareSpace. We provide your business with electricity, secure wi-fi, materials handling equipment, industrial racking, package receiving, and more to help your business run smoothly. Call us at  301-781-6964, or book a tour online today. 

Do you think that your business is too small to benefit from access to a warehouse loading dock? If you need the added storage of a small warehouse space, you also need a docking area. An efficient loading dock is one of the essential tools to improve operations and set yourself up for future growth.

Why Loading Docks?

Access to a warehouse loading dock makes it faster and easier to get your goods to customers and restock your supplies. You don’t need to send out truckloads of goods to benefit from docking areas — carriers can handle full truckloads or single pallets. Loading docks give you the convenience of easy shipping and receiving without having to leave your space.

4 Benefits of Renting a Small Warehouse Space with a Loading Dock

Operational improvement is at the top of the list, but there are a few other benefits to renting a small warehouse space with a loading dock.

1. Increased Safety

A loading dock equipped with appropriate handling tools offers a safer alternative to receiving large shipments than a back door. Trying to unload trucks without docking bays means moving goods outside in all types of weather. Rainy or icy conditions can be dangerous for anyone loading or unloading. Loading docks provide a protected space for safely unloading trucks without exposing workers or products to inclement weather.

It’s also hard to control a truck’s movement without a loading dock. Most docks typically have wheel chocks or other methods to prevent truck creep. This creep is the unintended movement of the vehicle during loading or unloading, which can cause serious injury. Tools around loading docks that prevent this creep make the area safer for those using it.

While loading docks provide a safer alternative than parking lots to unload trucks, everyone must still exercise caution when using these spaces. To ensure maximum safety around the loading dock, always follow safety guidelines from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). These safety rules include securing dock plates, keeping clear of edges around the dock, and never jumping from the dock.

2. Efficiency

Over time, the design of loading docks has evolved to optimize efficiency for loading and unloading trucks. Most are physically designed and constructed to make shipping and receiving easy. For instance, outside areas around the loading docks should include space for trucks to turn around, back into the docks, and pull out of the area, even if there are other vehicles present. 

Inside, the layout should be structured so you can quickly and easily access the loading dock area. The best layout for your space is one that’s designed to keep the time needed to stock items, pick products, and ship at a minimum.

3. Flexibility

Most small businesses intend to grow over time. Loading docks give your business the flexibility it needs to increase your inventory. Paired with a shared warehouse that allows you to rent several different size spaces, your business will be set up for growth. You can receive more products, store more goods, and increase sales.

4. Labor and Timesaving

The enhanced efficiency and safety of loading docks also make them time-saving tools. Materials handling tools such as pallet jacks and dollies allow workers to effortlessly move goods. It also saves time because there’s less chance that workers could sustain injuries that might cause them to miss work

Spending less time getting products to the delivery trucks gives workers more time for other tasks. With their extra time, workers can fulfill more orders, prepare additional shipments, or store extra products.

Loading Docks Are Available at Our Facilities

Businesses of all sizes can benefit from the safety, time-saving, and flexibility of warehouse loading docks. But, loading docks are only one of the many amenities that WareSpace offers its tenants. Our small warehouse spaces come equipped with the tools you need to begin to make the most of the storage and shipping space. For more information, give us a call or contact us online to book a tour. 

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